Add Claim Missing Credit Widget

Watch the video and follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the Home page in the Kudoz App and click on Setup on the Top Right to Edit Page.
  2. Drag the Kudoz Claim Missing Credit Widget to the right of the Page.
  3. Save, and Activate (Assign as App Default --> Kudoz).
  4. Save, and click on the back text link on the Top Right.

Claim Missing Credit Widget

Measure the impact of your claimed credit and see what's outstanding.


Claimed vs. Outstanding Credit

The "Kudoz Task - Open" List view will have all the to-do items that need to be completed by the Issue Trainer.


Main Missing Credit Reasons

Once a Task is completed, we automatically move it into the "Kudoz Task - Completed" List view so you can have a measurable log of all the Data Quality issues you resolve.

Data Management becomes measurable

Positive results will keep you motivated to manage more tasks.

Prove & Earn Credit

Incentivize completing tasks by demonstrating the value of what's outstanding..

Add Value

Connect the pieces of the puzzle to improve your Team’s performance from Better Data Quality.

Add Revenue Performance Reports to Dashboard